San Felipe Phase 1 (EDM SF1 S.R.L.)

The San Felipe EDM SF1 project is a 40MW phase 1 project out of a 135MW project plan

Status: Enera San Felipe Phase 1 (EDM SF1, S.R.L.)
Project Size: 40MW (total)
Location: San Felipe, Mexico
Estimated Annual Power Production: 1,849 MWh/MW/yr
Estimated Annual CO2 Offset: 135,000,000 lbs per year

Animation of 135MW master plan

  • SEMERNAT - Forestry, Complete
  • INASH, Complete
  • PPAs, Complete
  • Land Control / Land Status, Complete
    • Owned by Enera, Complete
    • Private Lands, Complete
  • MIA:
    • Application submitted
    • Expect March, 2020 completion
  • Social Impact Study:
    • Submitted
    • Expected Jan'2020
  • Interconnection
    • Indicative Study ~ 120MWac reserved, Complete
    • Impact Study, Underway, Expected complete March, 2020